Spas Farm
naturally raised grass-fed beef

About Us
Spas Farm is a third-generation family-run farm owned and operated by Paul and Connie Spas on Morley Road, overlooking historic Chautauqua Lake in beautiful Western NY. The Spas' sought out and assembled a herd of Red Devon Cattle from all over the United States. The herd, one of the largest in the East had come from Nebraska, Texas, Virginia, and NY's Finger Lakes, to settle in and prosper on the Spas Farm.
The Spas Farm combines top-rated cattle genetics and skilled pasture management resulting in high quality, tender, and flavorful beef that Paul and Connie are proud to offer to you, our valued customers.
About Red Devons
Red Devon cattle first reached the United States in the year 1623 on the ship Charity when the pilgrims brought one bull and three heifers to their colony, making them the first purebred cattle to reach North America. They bear the nickname "Red Rubies" for their rich, red color.
Official reference from Devon Cattle Breeders' Society of England (paraphrased)
"...the breed may have been prehistoric, contributing to the Hereford and other English cattle breeds. It is one of the oldest breeds today; it's native home being southwestern England, including Devon County from which it gets its name."

​Additional Resources
American Devon Cattle Association